Conference Topics
ICMSR conference is intended to foster the dissemination of
state-of-the-art research in the area of Mechatronics System and
Robots and the fundamental interaction between them. Authors are
invited to submit regular research papers on all related areas.
Papers exploring new directions or areas will receive a thorough
and encouraging review. Areas of interest include, but not
limited to :
Mechatronics System:
- CAD/CAM Integration Technology
Complex mechanical-electro-liquid System
Computational Mechanics
Computer-aided Geometric Design & Simulation
Flexible Manufacturing Technology & System
High-speed/precision machining
Laser Processing Technology
Material Engineering
Mechanical Reliability Theory and Engineering
Mechanical Transmission Theory and Applications
Mechanism and Machine Science
Precision Manufacturing & Measurement
Precision Mechanics & Mechatronics
Quality & Reliability Engineering
Reverse Engineering
Structural Strength and Robustness
System Dynamics and Simulation
Theory and Application of Friction and Wear
Vehicle Dynamic Performance Simulation
Robotics :
- AI-driven autonomous robots
Artificial Intelligence
Control algorithms and control systems
Design theories and principles
Healthcare robotics
Human-Robot Interaction
Industrial robotics for automation
Manufacturing robotics
Parallel robots and manipulators
Robot learning and adaptation
Robotic exoskeletons
Robotic system optimization
Robotics for autonomous vehicles
Robotics for logistics and supply chains
Robotics in agriculture and farming
Sensor integration, fusion, and perception
Social robotics
Soft robotics
Swarm robotics